Monday, February 3, 2014

KML Apple Bars

When you are addicted to junk food, the all night drug store becomes a familiar place to be wandering around hungry at 3am.  Thankfully, many of the foods here are so abstracted from nature that they are not only vegan, but it some cases fully non-biological!  You need need a degree in chemical linguistics and a nice evening in to fully read the ingredient list on these "Apple Bars".  Doing the math, it seems like animal products are basically the only ingredient not listed.


Saturday, February 1, 2014

Double Chocolate Pistachio Donuts (Girlfriend Edition)

So I didn't actually make these doughnuts, but I fully intend on eating at least five of them.  They were whipped up by my better half via this recipe.

Baked in a doughnut pan
Nut Dipped

Get Into Me

Onion Dip

Tastes better than it looks
Onion dip is the go-to easy party food.  It's quick to prep, everyone loves it and it is generally not vegan.  Fortunately, Tofutti brand "Better than Sour Cream" tastes pretty much like the real stuff.  It's even unhealthy!!  It's high in calories and saturated fats. <3 Anyway, it's great.

So to make it you basically just mix any vegan brand of onion soup mix you can find into the sour "cream". The end.

As the photo on the soup box illustrates, this dip is perfect for vegetables so find some vegetables and get dipping!